About anton

Anton is different. The colla­borative aim of the pro­perty owner and South Tyrolean interior designer Bea Mitterhofer was to curate an un­expec­ted, stylish living am­bience remini­scent of the designs of the Italian brands like Moroso, Molteni, Gervasini, Tonon and Kettal. The well­ness area was designed by the well-known Milan studio Vudafieri Saverino.

We asked our­selves what could in­fluence our guests in a posi­tive way. A mini­malist design could have been a viable option, but instead we went with the oppo­site effect: rooms designed with a unique mix of colours and patterns, far from the South Tyrolean clichés and the rustic nature of the moun­tain huts. This is the perfect spot to enjoy a healthy change of pace for a while: a place with character and a vibrant atmosphere.

“Anton is named after my father. He and my mother managed a small hotel in the Isarco Valley. My parents have always given me generous support, something for which I am very grateful. Today, I have the chance to host as well. Architecture, design, and nature are my passions.”

Otmar Michaeler, Host & Tourism Entrepreneur


“Gli arredi e i design degli appartamenti sono ricercati ed accoglienti, la qualità dei dettagli è veramente di ottima finitura. Lo stabile è molto carino e silenzioso.”

Luca, Italy

„Es war perfekt, alles ist super hochwertig ausgestattet. Die neuesten Küchengerate, tolle Holzböden und sehr viele Schränke für die Garderobe. Der Wellnessbereich ist groß und modern und die kleinen Aufmerksamkeiten (Tee, Kekse, Obst) haben wir genossen. Alles ist sehr liebevoll dekoriert. Im Fitnessraum gibt es modernste Geräte. Wenn man so eine Wohnung hat, braucht man kein Hotel.“

Lukas, Germany

“Really beautiful appartments close to city centre. Everything feels high end.”

Bart, Netherlands

The Anton Nature Hideaway in Brunico, Italy is our new guesthouse in the middle of greenery. A paradise for all nature lovers. Do you also want to enjoy the luxury of silence? Then get an impression of what awaits you at our place.

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