To do’s

Brunico, dramatically situated in the heart of the Val Pusteria, was voted Italy’s most livable small town in 2009. Small wonder considering that the Plan de Corones is one of South Tyrol’s most popular mountains for activities no matter the season. In wintertime, there is a direct connection to the famous Dolomites Sellaronda ski circuit. Meanwhile, in summertime, Brunico is the starting point for numerous Dolomites hiking and biking tours. The Dolomites were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009. Not only for Reinhold Messner they are “the most beautiful mountains in the world”.

For mountains, culture and culinary delights, look no further than Reinhold Messner’s two compelling museums in the tourism region. “MMM Ripa”, housed in Castello di Brunico, shares insights about mountain peoples around the world. Similarly, Messner’s “MMM Corones” museum on the Plan de Corones summit plateau tells the history of Alpinism. As a bonus, “Lumen”, one of the world's highest museums of mountain photography, was recently opened right next door. While exploring the region, don’t miss out on the delicious array of regional food, e.g. from three-star chef Norbert Niederkofler of the AlpiINN restaurant at 2,300 m.

Highlights and friends

6 minutes from Anton

Bruneck Castle
MMM Ripa

Schloss Bruneck Südtirol
The Bruneck Castle was once the summer resi­dence of the prince-bishops. Today, it houses the Messner Moun­tain Museum Ripa. Reinhold Messner dedi­cates his museum in Bruneck to the moun­tain popu­lations of the world and to their cul­tures, which, in contrast with urban life, is based on taking per­sonal respon­si­bili­ty, renoun­cing consume­rism, ...

The Bruneck Castle was once the summer resi­dence of the prince-bishops. Today, it houses the Messner Moun­tain Museum Ripa. Reinhold Messner dedi­cates his museum in Bruneck to the moun­tain popu­lations of the world and to their cul­tures, which, in contrast with urban life, is based on taking per­sonal respon­si­bili­ty, renoun­cing consume­rism, and hel­ping neigh­bours.

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10 minutes from Anton

Downhill at the Plan de Corones

Downhill am Kronplatz

There are 6 routes for free­ride biking on the Kronplatz. The diffi­culty levels range from easy to diffi­cult. If you feel like you aren’t fully confi­dent on your bike, you can re­ceive support from a quali­fied free­riding guide. Bikes and safety equip­ment are avail­able from various rental com­panies. Pure adre­naline!

1 hour from Anton

Tour of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo

Umrundung Drei Zinnen Luxusunterkunft
The tour of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo is one of the classics of Dolomites hiking, and for a dream­like scenario, it’s a must-see when it’s not high season. The Tre Cime are the world-famous land­mark of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heri­tage Site. The tour starts from the “Auronzo Lodge” passing by the Lavaredo Fork to the “Tre Cime Lodge” and returns via the “Langalm” ...

The tour of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo is one of the classics of Dolomites hiking, and for a dream­like scenario, it’s a must-see when it’s not high season. The Tre Cime are the world-famous land­mark of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heri­tage Site. The tour starts from the “Auronzo Lodge” passing by the Lavaredo Fork to the “Tre Cime Lodge” and returns via the “Langalm” to the starting point. The tour can also be made by in­ex­perienced hikers, and the climb can be co­vered in three hours.
If you are inte­rested in scaling the im­posing rocky peaks, “Zinnenmann” Christoph Hainz is the best choice for you. This well-known extreme climber and alpine guide is familiar with each and every tour.

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40 minutes from Anton

Lake Braies

Pragser Wildsee Luxuschalet Südtirol
Lake Braies is a must-see for all tourists in South Tyrol. The idyllic dream­like scenery of the Braies Dolomites, the moun­tain lake, and the his­toric hotel has be­come the most photo­graphed land­scape in South Tyrol. As Lake Braies is a true hot­spot, it is better to avoid week­ends and high-season days in August. The ring prome­nade around the lake is breat...

Lake Braies is a must-see for all tourists in South Tyrol. The idyllic dream­like scenery of the Braies Dolomites, the moun­tain lake, and the his­toric hotel has be­come the most photo­graphed land­scape in South Tyrol. As Lake Braies is a true hot­spot, it is better to avoid week­ends and high-season days in August. The ring prome­nade around the lake is breath­taking, and you can also go on various moun­tain hikes start­ing from this point. Note: check what parking options are available online.

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30 min. from Anton

Tour of Sassolungo

Langkofel Plattkofel Gröden Val Gardena Luxusunterkunft Italien

The tour of the Sassolungo is one of the most fasci­nating and varied hikes in the Dolomites! This is a five-hour tour that is easy to manage with a confi­dent step. The starting point is the Sella Pass. If you want to avoid the steepest climb, you can opt for the wonder­ful cable car. Our tip: try “Rifugio del Sasso­lungo” and “Rifugio Emilio Comici” for a lovely break.

10 min. from Anton


Lumen am Kronplatz

On our mountain, Plan de Corones, just steps away from the cable car, Lumen opened its doors in 2019. Lumen is an un­paral­leled museum of moun­tain photo­graphs at 2,300 metres above sea level. Here, the land­scape is magni­ficent. The abso­lute high­light is the room of mirrors, an artistic inter­pretation of the moun­tain atmos­phere. Experience it!

40 min. from Anton

Sasso Nero Lodge

Schwarzensteinhütte in Ahrntal Luxusunterkunft Italien
If you want to expe­rience high-altitude archi­tecture and enjoy specta­cular views, we recom­mend clim­bing to the Sasso Nero Lodge in the Aurina Valley. At 3,026 metres, it is the high­est moun­tain retreat in the Zillertal Alps. Designed by South Tyrolean archi­tect couple Helmut Stifter and Angelika Bachmann, it was comple­tely re­built in 2017, be­c...

If you want to expe­rience high-altitude archi­tecture and enjoy specta­cular views, we recom­mend clim­bing to the Sasso Nero Lodge in the Aurina Valley. At 3,026 metres, it is the high­est moun­tain retreat in the Zillertal Alps. Designed by South Tyrolean archi­tect couple Helmut Stifter and Angelika Bachmann, it was comple­tely re­built in 2017, be­coming a source of contro­versy among local South Tyroleans due to its contem­porary style. The ma­jestic pano­ramic view ex­tends from the High Tauern and the Rieser­ferner Group to the Dolomite peaks of the Marmolada. From the lodge, you can take on chal­lenging or easier glacier hikes and summit expe­riences. The 1,500 metres of alti­tude diffe­rence can be cove­red in four and a half hours.

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10 min. from Anton

MMM Corones

MMM Corones Kronplatz Bruneck

Reinhold Messner’s MMM Corones, lo­cat­ed at the moun­tain sta­tion in the Plan de Corones, was desig­ned by famous Iraqi-British archi­tect Zaha Hadid. Here, you will be immer­sed in emotio­nally charged archi­tecture, while expe­riencing Alpine history and a breath­taking 360-degree view.

35 min. from Anton

Lake Dobbiaco

Toblacher See in Toblach Hotel Traumferienwohnung
Lake Dobbiaco is a special jewel among natu­ral lakes. Locat­ed at the en­trance of the majes­tic Höhlenstein valley, the lake can be explo­red on a row­boat or paddle boat in summer. Around Lake Dobbiaco, there is an 11-stage nature trail. The hike around the lake, perfect for families, is about an hour long. After the walk, there’s no­thing better than dip­ping...

Lake Dobbiaco is a special jewel among natu­ral lakes. Locat­ed at the en­trance of the majes­tic Höhlenstein valley, the lake can be explo­red on a row­boat or paddle boat in summer. Around Lake Dobbiaco, there is an 11-stage nature trail. The hike around the lake, perfect for families, is about an hour long. After the walk, there’s no­thing better than dip­ping your toes in the lake. In addi­tion to Lake Braies, the spec­tacular land­scape of this lake was a film lo­cation for the re­nowned Italian tv show “Un passo dal cielo” and by the Bavarian known as “Die Berg­polizei – Ganz nah am Himmel”. At the lake, there are two beautiful spots for a meal.

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Land-Art Biennale SMACH

Land-Art Biennale SMACH MET in New York Val dl’Ert in den Dolomiten
Ten award-winning works of art designed for selected locations in Val Badia can be "hiked" until 12 September. The art projects from all over the world were selected by an international jury, which also includes a curator at the MET in New York. You can see some of the artworks from past biennials on a 30-minute hike in Val dl'Ert, the Valley of Art. Open-air art in the Dolomites is a fascinating ...

Ten award-winning works of art designed for selected locations in Val Badia can be "hiked" until 12 September. The art projects from all over the world were selected by an international jury, which also includes a curator at the MET in New York. You can see some of the artworks from past biennials on a 30-minute hike in Val dl'Ert, the Valley of Art. Open-air art in the Dolomites is a fascinating experience!

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